Today the weather was cool, but not misty like yesterday. The trails were icy, but it was coming down the bluffs that was most difficult. I found some very different looking scat today. I can't identify it. I did hear what sounded like a bear in the woods, but the crow, blue jays, and a pileated woodpecker drowned out the moans I heard. It was traveling to the ridge anyway.
I was hearing intermittent barking, it sounded like a female coyote, and it crossed my path and ended up on the same side of the bluff as me by the afternoon. I saw two eagles in the valley
I only saw one trumpeter swan today, but I was on the bluffs, and only in the wetlands for an hour or so today.
There were so many tracks in the ice, they were hard to distinguish. Some were exactly what I expected to find. I hadn't been in that area in many years. Not since my last incident there. Decided it was time to walk without turning back.
Got back and Em and I took care of Sam and the Greyhounds. I've decided to share the title of the new series: Sam & the GRYT Adventures, this is the title for the new Bow Wow Detectives® series I wrote about in my previous blog. Hope you like the pictures of them!
--See you on the Journey,
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