One search of my name. 1 stolen book in three formats: PDF, Mobi, e-Pub eBook was sold, exclusively, through Amazon KDP for a few months. 4.6/5 (1184 ratings) on the stolen work Publisher income: $.0 Author Royalty: $.0 Streaming service that stole the book $14.95 a month, unlimited authors, works probably many of them stolen like my book. ...
Tags: Exhibit 1 Proof of DMCA TAKE DOWN NOTICE SENT., Exhibit 2: Proof the DMCA NOTICE WAS RECEIVED BY INFRINGING PARTY, German Police: Your company is stealing my intellectual property: This is a crime. They are causing me to loose 100% of my profits, Germany: stop your infringers!, Germany: Your country is allowing this group to infringe on my copyrights!, Hallowink Hollow™ is the legal trademark of Lisa Loucks-Christenson,, Lisa Loucks Christenson is the Creator of Hallowink Hollow™ series, Loucks is a German surname. Your country is stealing from an American, stolen work, You don't get to steal my work