Variety show featuring interviews with celebrities, entertainers, authors, artists and more. Book signings at Peacock Books in Rochester, Minnesota. Are You Lisa's Next Featured Guest? Lisa does not charge fees to participate as a featured guest. Lisa personally reviews each submission and...
Pre-Order ebook: Don't Eat Bees! Written and Illustrated by Lisa Loucks Christenson Inspired by a true story (a bee-eating German Shepherd, that is!) Children's Book 24 Pages Published by: Fly Up Books™ imprint of Loucks Studios, Inc. Hardcover | April 2, 2019 Ebook available online, Hardcover is...
Tags: a bee-eating German Shepherd is offered the choice to stop eating bees and raiding the bees' honey in exchange for a swarm of earthly friends and eternal rewards, April 2, April 2 2019 Release, but can he stop . . . for eternity?, children's book, Dale Don't Eat Bees! Written and Illustrated by National Award-Winning Author Lisa Loucks Christenson This is the story Dale, dog that eats bees, Don't Eat Bees!, Don't Eat Bees! Written and Illustrated by National Award-Winning Author Lisa Loucks Christenson This is the story Dale, Fly Up Books imprint, he agrees . . . but can he stop eating bees for eternity?, Lisa Loucks Christenson, Loucks Studios, Peacock Books, the bee-eating German Shepherd (this much is true!), When Dale, written and illustrated by Lisa Loucks Christenson