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Peacock Books & Wildlife Art News — Homemade Fudge sold in a rotating selection of 162 flavors

January 6, 2019, Sunday, Day 6, Year 15

Bow Wow Detectives® Homemade Fudge sold in a rotating selection of 162 flavors Lisa Loucks Christenson Local Rochester Minnesota artist Minnesota documentary Year 15 Lisa's Bald Eagle Documentary

January 6, 2019, Sunday, Day 6, Year 15

Today I took Sam with me on a field day on my outdoor beat. Sam is a beautiful Border Collie who lives with three Greyhounds that are rescues. Sam is going to be the featured dog hero in a book series under my Bow Wow Detectives® imprint. I'll announce the title of that series at a later time.

We hiked to the river, and Sam helped me solve a couple little mysteries in our time outdoors  today. Sam seemed to enjoy our time sitting by the river watching the river flowing by, listening to the sounds of the blue jays, a passing eagle, and  the sounds of all the other birds.

Sam was with me to help discover eagle nest nine, one I wrote into my journal as a new nest today. Not much activity going on for such a warm January day in Minnesota!

Sam and I arrived at another of my stops and found 18 Trumpeter Swans feeding in the open slough, the count has more than doubled since the January 2. The young gray cygnet, seems to be a loner, doesn't hang out with the other swans at all and that makes me curious as to why he drifts away? Last night he remained behind with his duck companions, while the two adults flew off to another slough at sundown. He is surrounded by mallards that stay close, and feed off plants he drops in the water, but he doesn't seem to mind feeding them. He preens with them, he swims with them, he camps with them. I'm calling him Lonan. 

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Author Signings & Books

Emme Christenson Homemade Fudge sold in a rotating selection of 162 flavors Lisa Loucks Christenson Lisa Loucks Christenson exclusive books Loucks Studios Inc. Peacock Books & Wildlife Art

Author Signings & Books

Peacock Books & Wildlife Art by Lisa Loucks Christenson maintains a curated section of indie authors, Rochester, Minnesota and regional authors. 

Peacock's showroom walls display Lisa Loucks Christenson's wildlife photos and art Lisa created from her documentaries. Lisa's wildlife photos, art, select books and ebooks, art cards are sold exclusively through Lisa's stores.

Coming soon: fantasy art by Lisa's daughter, Emme Christenson, a published fantasy artist, and art student. 

Peacock sells a selection of her families homemade fudge, made in over 162 flavors, a rotating selection. 

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