Peacock Books & Wildllife Art by Lisa Loucks Christenson, Shop #1 of The Grand Shops of Kahler Book & Ebook Catalog – Peacock Books & Wildlife Art

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Book & Ebook Catalog

Book & Ebook Catalog (partial and ever-changing)

This is a collection of all our books and ebooks.


Hawk of Wa Pu Ta Creek | Harlequin® Love Inspired® Suspense Search for the Killer Voice

Narrow Paths | Writers Digest 71st Annual Writing Competition (Inspirational Category

Gifts of Time

The Model Maker

Carousel Rider

Don't Eat Bees!



Heaven Can Rest!

Valentine's Adventures™

Harley Hippo & the Crane Game 20th Anniversary Edition with bonus content

His Name is Scooter!

Winter Bugs Exhibit Edition

Bow Wow Detectives®

Story Antics®

Joy & Crown

Hallowink Hollow Series

Adventures of the Courtly Cottontails

Toads of Telemark Series

Syndicated Cartoons:

Courtly Cottontails™

Toads of Telemark™

 These books and ebooks, art books, art packs, photo cards, Photo Traders™ are Sold exclusively through Lisa Loucks-Christenson branded stores.

The above works are the creation and original stories, illustrations, photos; registered and legal trademarks owned by Lisa Loucks-Christenson, a #1 international bestselling and award-winning author, illustrator and photographer.