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Peacock Books & Wildlife Art by Lisa Loucks-Christenson — 2021

CoyWolf Entertainment™ Announces ESCAPE FROM THE HAUNTED CARNIVAL, Book 5, Hallowink Hollow Series by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

2021 31 days of 3x3 Post-it notes and two pens Escape from the Haunted Carnival to deliver escape Halloween 2021 read Hallowink Hollow Inktober 2021 Lisa Loucks-Christenson is creating the cover illustration today October 1 White Wolf Creek

CoyWolf Entertainment™ Announces ESCAPE FROM THE HAUNTED CARNIVAL, Book 5, Hallowink Hollow Series by Lisa Loucks-Christenson


Hallowink Hollow Hallowink Hollow

CoyWolf Entertainment is happy to announce the forthcoming book, Escape from the Haunted Carnival, Book 5, Hallowink Hollow by Lisa Loucks-Christenson.

We didn’t publish Book 4, The Haunted Carnival in 2020, because we wanted to bring that book, along with the sequel to it out together, so the fans didn’t have to wait an entire year for the ending. 

Lisa Loucks-Christenson is creating the cover illustration today, October 1, 2021, for the fifth book in the Hallowink Hallow Series, a best-selling series, in a genre she never expected to enter: horror.

Providing complications don’t arise like her experiences in the past, she hopes to compete this book, creating one Post-it note per day, for the next 31 days.

Loucks-Christenson went septic on the first day of the annual Inktober contest in 2018. She often jokes at how the cover she created for the second book in the series takes the award for the worst illustration of her life.

What her fans didn’t know, she created it after coming home from working in her gallery/bookstore all day, and was deathly ill. She didn’t want to miss creating the first illustration for the month so she reached for her pen and Post-it note and  began drawing with a high fever, deep chills and doubling over in guttural pain, she drew.

While en route to the emergency room, she was brushing up against the cryptids of her story as her temperature neared 104 degrees, and minutes before she’d end up in an emergency room fighting for her life. Through sepsis, through surgery and recovery, Lisa never missed a deadline and completed the book on 10/31/2018 and published it on Amazon just hours later so it would be ready for her fans’ Halloween evening read.

Loucks-Christenson says, "If nothing else, I promise my fans who follow my Hallowink Hollow Series something I couldn't give them last year . . . I only had 31 days. This year, I'll give them the escape!" 

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