Lori Rader-Day
Winner of the Agatha Award for Best Historical Novel!
Nominee for the Macavity Award!
Named both a Library Reads pick and a IndieNext pick, as well as a most-anticipated thriller by Crimereads, Goodreads, and Country Living! Named a best historical fiction by Crimereads for 2021, a top 2021 reads by BOLOBooks, a top 20 crime novel of the year by GoBookMart, an Editors Choice by the Historical Novel Society, and a Staff Best by multiple Deadly Pleasures reviewers!
Signed Hardcover, First Edition
William Morrow imprint of HarperCollins
Lori Rader-Day is a featured guest of Lisa's Walk The Talk Show. Show interview is at:
LisaLC.Live, BlogTalkRadio.com/LisaLC