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Suzy's Salsa™


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New Flavor: Fossil-Peach & Pineapple™

When Life Throws You Rocks...Flavor It!™

Are you from Colorado? Check out your home girls salsa, Suzy’s Salsa! Or buy it at Peacock Books & Wildlife Art, by the jar or case. 

Suzy’ Salsa Flavors:

Colorado Mild™

Fireside Revenge™

Fossil-Peach & Pineapple™

 When Life Throws You Rocks...Flavor It!™

Suzy’s Story

As told to Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Suzy is a breast cancer survivor. When she went into remission, she drove away from the hospital and was hit by a semi. It was a hit and run. He was never caught. Suzy survived and soon discovered that making salsa was helping her with her Traumatic Brain Injury. It helped her regain her hand and eye coordination. 

Suzy began giving her salsa away as Christmas gifts, and one day it became a reality.

Suzy and my husband were in Up With People together, back in the 80s. Hey, groovy if you remember those days!

I had given Suzy my victory bandana at the completion of my first documentary. It was both of our victories. Her surviving me finishing the walk. It was like we were meant to journey onward. Sometimes friends walk into your life and they remain forever. 

That’s Suzy.

She’s the real deal.

I took her story in. She had already become a dear friend. I prayed and never stopped. I asked God to help me help her. 

We tried calling her tonight. Her phone service is spotty, so she doesn’t even know that I created a new name for her peach-pineapple salsa tonight. It came in one of those “inspirational” moments. You know the kind.

I had a list of things to finish tonight when out of nowhere, this “idea” jumped into my thoughts. I knew in my heart it was time for a photo shoot of the new peach and pineapple salsa Suzy sent for us to try to give feedback, and to shoot on whatever I thought it would taste good on.

This jar has a “fossilized” taste. It is something that’s been missing all along...waiting for us to discover its mystery taste. The flavor is like an ancient-shared harvest melded with the sweet Colorado peaches and so-tart pineapple. I ate her previous peach salsa, the one listed in Colorado Living (June 2018) on everything. Steak, salmon, cottage cheese, cream. I couldn’t keep it in stock, it sold out as fast as it arrived.

I’m trying this tweaked Peach Salsa, one I’m calling *but* Suzy may change the name  on broiled Lobster next. Then grilled shrimp. I think it would taste awesome on asparagus or broccoli––baked. 

I made Suzy a promise to stand by her and watch her back. Competition is fierce and cuts you to the jar and shelf space. She has a permanent home with Peacock Books, for all the world travelers to try it out. Bring your own chips. Or maybe I’ll have a few bags left.

I created Suzy’s labels, so they looked different. Everything about this brand is Suzy. When she doubted using her scribbled signature, I tossed in a pepper to her name and convinced her that her brand is a story, and people will try it. Hers is a story they’ll remember. 

When I saw a rock I’d pulled out of my woods, one with a fossil inside, years ago, I set it on my rock sculpture—the one that my husband wishes I’d put outside. I like looking at rocks. They have gifts to change you. One rock stood out tonight. It was a fossil. I knew that was part of tonight’s photo shoot. In fact, it’s exactly what gave me the name (temporary as it may be) for Suzy’s new twist on her peach salsa. It fits her story, it’s a flavor and name that fits her journey.

Fossil-Peach & Pineapple™ 

When Life Throws Rocks...Flavor It!™ 

That is the true story of Suzy’s life.

Reach out to Suzy and try her salsa. This is not a sales pitch or ad, it’s how I really feel. Suzy used to tell me, “You're from Minnesota, ketchup tastes hot.” We’d laugh. When i created the name for Colorado Mild, it really is a step up from ketchup. I personally love the Fireside sneaks up on you, but it doesn’t burn. The peach salsa, wow, you can double-dip from the jar, I won’t see you and wouldn’t snitch if you told me. It’s that good. I can’t wait for you to try the new Fossil-Peach & Pineapple (or whatever name it’s rebranded with). I’m happy to have it called this for a night, day, week or forever—because that’s what Suzy is, memorable. A friend who is rock. Who makes a salsa that will keep you “picking” it up, I hope.

Lisa Loucks-Christenson 

People Investor

People Investing

I like investing in people. If you have been dumped on, can’t get past square one (or can’t find it at all and have a dream), if you need a lift and can use some photo help, branding and promotion... I might be your people investor. I won’t ever take a cut or your money. I like to see others reach their dreams. I pray up every person and their brand. I hope we connect in God’s time. Lisa.

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